
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sleep Training...

Obviously this isn't me... BUT I have felt like this the last couple of nights.. When we first had Mailey she slept with us, it was just easier to feed her and I couldn't stand just letting her cry herself to sleep in her own bed.... I have always hated hearing a baby cry, makes me want to scoop them up and sooth them whoever they are!

Well 19 months later and a few nights of being seconds away from being this lady, I realize the importance of letting your child sooth themselves to sleep! The first night was shear hell, I'm not gonna lie, but every night the hours have slowly gotten shorter and Mailey is learning that she can go to sleep without mom or dad rocking her.. ** KNOCK ON WOOD** I don't want to jinx myself :-)

On a lighter note, Miss Mailey is 19 months old today! She is such a blessing in our life! She is learning all kinds of words (every word we repeat...) and asking "This?" over and over until you tell her what it is. Mailey is a busy, busy girl with lots to say about things. Her favorite things are coloring, jumping, reading books and slathering on Vicks vapor rub! :-)

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