
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Catch Up..

We've been quite busy lately.... I lost our camera charger and had a dead battery, I missed a month of pictures.. haha I finally bought one, you wouldn't think it would be that hard to buy a camera charger..... it was!

We had a fun Memorial weekend! Daniel was off on Sunday and I was off Monday, so we were able to have some family time! We went to Wasco on Sunday and put flowers on Patty's family's graves and did some exploring. Monday we took Mailey to watch Shrek in 3D and then a bbq at the Geegee and Poopa's house. Here are a few pics, I'll post more when I don't have a little hand hitting all the buttons.

Watching the Shrek in 3D! We made it through the whole movie

Making smores at Geegee's house!

1 comment:

  1. oh. wish we could have been there.we miss youguys! but i guess we'll see you in july now instead of december!
